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Please don't !!

After twenty years of living on the earth, I've found out that we're meant to be alone.
We were alone inside our mothers, alone in death and also alone between them.
Human always has a problem in believing that he was meant to be alone. He always aims to make new friends, new relations, discover new places, .... etc.
And that Human is also the one who ends up writing this article hoping that someone may understand and be aware of the concept of "Life".
Once, I asked myself, are we meant to be happy in this life ?! This question was answered by a voice, this voice was coming from deep inside of me.
The voice said, "we are meant to suffer in this stupid life. Despite all what we did and what we're still trying to do, we are still suffering, you're still sad and I'm still depressed. You're still failing and I'm a failure. You're losing and I'm a loser. You know what, we are all alone together. We're meant to suffer. Let's hope we find happiness in the life after that one.
I know that you may say: "you're a very hopeless person, life isn't that bad".
Let me tell you something about me ...
I was a very optimistic person, always think positive, full of hope and always smiling.
If you're feeling lost and everything have gone, I'm the best person to take you out of this zone. Sorry I mean "I Was".
Only few persons who can feel the change happened to their personalities. And because many of these changes always seem to be from good to bad, I hate being one of these personalities.
"What happened to change you that much ?!" You must be asking yourself this question and eagerly waiting for the answer.
I won't tell you the specific situations that turned me to that person, but I'm going to tell one thing ..
Sadness can do way more than this !! It ruins your soul as if it's a young kid destroying a beautiful painting by mistake.
Sadness is the worst feeling on the earth. Take care, don't give him the chance to ruin your soul and the good side in your personality. Don't give him the chance to make you like me .. Please don't be me !!


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