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Presenter : Hello, everybody. Today we're going to talk about "SE". Do you know what's it at first ?!

*The Audience are looking to each other, silently*

Presenter: Come on, just any of you try to say anything even if it's wrong. That's not an exam. Come on for god sake!

*The Audience watching in silent with smiles on their faces till a sound from the back ended this silent saying "May I" ?!*

Presenter: Finally! You can tell us about yourself at first.

A: My name is Anna and I'm a 22 Businesses Administration student.

Presenter: Okay, Anna. Tell us what you know about the "SE".

Anna: Actually, I don't know its definition and what do the two letters stand for. But, I think we may guess it if you give us some hints.

Presenter: Sounds good, but why don't I give you the hints and you try to figure it out. I think that's fair enough, isn't it ?!

Anna: Yes, Of course.

*The Audience are watching, attentionally*

Presenter: Okay, Anna.
"SE" is something about yourself, something found deep in your soul.
To be more specific, Can I ask some personal questions ?!

Anna: Yes, go ahead.

Presenter: But, don't answer until I finish my questions.

Anna: okay.

- Have you ever been in a relationship ?!
- Have you ever stopped talking to a best friend till they became like strangers ?!
- My last question, Have you ever failed a specific job or task cause you just don't like to ask for help ?!
These three questions aren't for Anna only, all of you, please, pick a pen, write your answer in a paper and keep it with you. You have five minutes to finish this.
Thanks, Anna please be seated and answer the questions.

*After five minutes*

Presenter: I guess all of you have finished their answer. Now, I'm going to talk about "SE" and from your answers and my talk you should figure it out. It will be very easy.
"SE", it's the thing ruins your relationship from the moment it starts to appear.
And the thing that prevents you from keeping your best friend by your side.
The thing that makes you fail your task or do it insufficiently, although you can simply ask for help.
"SE", is somehow the reason why you lost whom you love.
And the only thing that prevents you from having your best friend back.
The thing that makes you fail ashamed in case you asked for help.
"SE", is the fear of saying the truth.
And the fear that prevents you from saying I'm sorry.
The fear of asking for someone's help.
"SE", is the main thing that destroys one's ability to communicate with people around him and gives him a shortcut to hell on earth.
Have any of you figured out the meaning of " SE" ?!

Anna, raising her hand: I guess I have.

Presenter: please come here and tell us what "SE" is.

*Anna heading to the stage*

Anna: okay, first I want to say that I figured it out from a personal perspective which means that I'm not sure about what I'm going to say.
If "SE" is the reason why I don't say "I'm sorry" or ask for help, is the same reason why I don't ask for help, is the same reason why I don't confess that I'm wrong even if I know that, is MYSELF EGO.

*The Presenter and The Audience are clapping*

Presenter: Thanks, Anna. I knew that you'll be the one who gets it.
 As Anna said our self-ego is the main thing that destroys our happiness, so take care and don't give it the chance do that.
Believe in yourself, you're strong enough to say "I'm sorry". You're smart enough to ask for help. You're loyal enough to overcome your ego and have your best friend back.
Thanks for your time, I'm really happy to have this conversation with you. Thank you all.



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